Lasagna Chicken Soup
In this post I made a delicious dessert; Mabroosheh bars (jam bars) from my pantry and extra jam I had on hand. For the recipe click here..
This week I had some leftover chicken breasts from an order so I decided to make this hearty delicious soup as it has been quite rainy and cold here in Amman so far...the weather called for comfort food and nothing beats soup on a chilly day...
I used broken lasagna pieces in this soup but you can use any kind of pasta you wish...the randomly broken pieces make the soup even more hearty and rustic...And above all it cooked in around 40 minutes from start to finish...IN ONE POT!!! Need I to say more!!! I don't think so!!!
Lasagna Chicken Soup
1 Tbsp EVOO
1 Tbsp butter
2 chicken breasts cut into small pieces
1 onion chopped
2 garlic, crushed
1 large carrot cubed
1 med green pepper cubed
1 cup corn
3 Tbsp flour
1 tsp chicken bullion powder
1 bay leaf
5 cups chicken stock
1 cup cooking cream
A big hand full of spinach leaves cut roughly
6 pieces of lasagna broken (use one cup of any shape pasta you like)
2 tsp Italian seasoning
1/2 cup Parmesan cheese grated
Saute onion till tender in olive oil and butter
Add chicken and cook till no longer pink
Season with salt and pepper
Add garlic and veggies except corn
Saute for few minutes and add seasonings
Add flour and cook for few minutes
Add stock and bring to a boil.
Let it cook for 3- 4 minutes then add broken pieces of lasagna
Stir occasionally to prevent pasta from sticking together and add more stock or water if you need to.
Once all is cooked add corn and spinach and let it cook for few more minutes
Check seasoning
Add cream and let it heat through, do not boil
Add Parmesan cheese
Let me tell you...this recipe is a keeeeeeeper...
This week I had some leftover chicken breasts from an order so I decided to make this hearty delicious soup as it has been quite rainy and cold here in Amman so far...the weather called for comfort food and nothing beats soup on a chilly day...
I used broken lasagna pieces in this soup but you can use any kind of pasta you wish...the randomly broken pieces make the soup even more hearty and rustic...And above all it cooked in around 40 minutes from start to finish...IN ONE POT!!! Need I to say more!!! I don't think so!!!
Lasagna Chicken Soup
1 Tbsp EVOO
1 Tbsp butter
2 chicken breasts cut into small pieces
1 onion chopped
2 garlic, crushed
1 large carrot cubed
1 med green pepper cubed
1 cup corn
3 Tbsp flour
1 tsp chicken bullion powder
1 bay leaf
5 cups chicken stock
1 cup cooking cream
A big hand full of spinach leaves cut roughly
6 pieces of lasagna broken (use one cup of any shape pasta you like)
2 tsp Italian seasoning
1/2 cup Parmesan cheese grated
Saute onion till tender in olive oil and butter
Add chicken and cook till no longer pink
Season with salt and pepper
Add garlic and veggies except corn
Saute for few minutes and add seasonings
Add flour and cook for few minutes
Add stock and bring to a boil.
Let it cook for 3- 4 minutes then add broken pieces of lasagna
Stir occasionally to prevent pasta from sticking together and add more stock or water if you need to.
Once all is cooked add corn and spinach and let it cook for few more minutes
Check seasoning
Add cream and let it heat through, do not boil
Add Parmesan cheese
Let me tell you...this recipe is a keeeeeeeper...
بحكم شغلي بيزيد عنجي اشياء مرات من الطلبيات ولما صار هيك الاسبوع الماضي عملت شوربة لازانيا دجاج خرررررافة لازم تجربوها...طبعا ممكن تستخدموا اي نوع معكرونة بتحبوها مو شرط لازانيا
وحلو الاسبوع كان مبروشة بمربى فراولة عندي بالمونة والوصفة هون
شوربة الدجاج واللازانيا
ملعقة طعام زبدة
ملعقة طعام زيت زيتون
بصلة متوسطة مفرومة
2 سن ثوم مهروس
2 صدر دجاج مقطع مطعبات صغيرة
جزرة كبيرة مقطعة مكعبات
حبة فليفلة خضراء وسط مقطعة مكعبات
3 ملاعق طعام طحين
كوب ذرة
قبضة كبيرة من اوراق السبانخ مفروم خشن
6 قطع لازانيا مكسرة عشوائي
5 اكوتب مرق دجاج
ملح وفلفل اسود
2 ملعقة صغيرة بهارات ايطالية
كوب كريما
1/2 كوب جبنة بارمزان مبشورة
ملعقة صغيرة بودرة مرق الدجاج
تذبل البصلة بالزيت والزبدة
يضاف الدجاج ويقلب ليتغير لونة
يضاف الثوم والخضار ما عدا الذرة والسابامخ وتقلب عدة دقائق
نرشها بالملح والفلفل الاسود والبهارات الايطالية ونقلب
يضاف الطحين وتقلب
نضيف المرق وبودرة مرق الدجاج وتغلي عدة دقائق
نضيف المعكرونة ونحركها كل فترة لضمان عدم التصاق المعكرونة ويمكن اضافة المرق او الماء الساخن اذا استلزم الامر
وعندما تنضج نضيف الذرة والسبانخ وتترك لتغلي عدة دقائق
يضاف الجبن والكريما وتسخن ولا تغلي
نضبط الملح وتقدم.
Thank you manal .. I made the soup today we all loved it thank u.
ReplyDeleteI made this today along with garlic bread on the side, and the kids loved it! I agree! it is definitely a keeper :) thanks for the recipe :)