Eid cookies collection and glass sugar cookies
I seriously need to do something about this hectic schedule, all goes usually according to plan then some how...just some how something slips and all seems to fall apart!!! I mean it is not always that bad but I have to totally admit that after Ramadan things didn't go back to normal again!!! And we are 2 months after...seriously...I need to pull myself together...So as usual I decided to come here and vent it all out before it eats me alive. In case you don't know what I am talking about, it is the fact that I seem to be neglecting this blog since I decided to go back and work full time, have a business, a magazine, a husband and 3 children once of which is 4 years old!!! Yeah...this is currently my life without any social obligations and boy do I have social obligations to my family, my in laws and friends...LIFE IS GOOD!!!! I need to keep my sanity somehow so I really need to vent...so here I am and thank you for baring with me.
And despite the crazy schedule, I am still cooking, taking pictures and the recipes that are waiting to be blogged about just keep piling up...what a pity!!!
So let me stop the rant and get to reality and say I miss you all and miss writing so very much. And I am glad I get to share the fact that I am only human, not a super woman!! I try to be as organized as I can but as I just mentioned, things don't always work the way we want and you know what...It's OK!!! Cut yourself some slack and just move on, tomorrow is a better day and you can start all over.
So what is happening in your kitchen's these days?!!! Fall is approaching, though with the temperature in Amman these days, it doesn't look like fall is coming any time soon. Yet Eid Al Adha is here and we are quite excited, a 10 days off...WOW...wish I was travelling somewhere but I am not and again its OK!!!
Did you make any special sweets for Eid? How about I remind you of some wonderful ones that are just perfect for your guests this Eid...its going to be next Monday...Eid Mubarak everyone.
Kaek Hala' |
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Barazeq |
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Flour Kaek |
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Strawberry Chocolate Chip Cookies
These are few example of many on this blog, just go to recipes and under cookies I have around 21 recipes which you can choose from. One of which is the basic sugar cookies
If you want a special twist, just do the shape you want, remove a piece from the middle with another cutter, lay the cookie on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, add crushed candy in the middle and bake. Let it cool off on the baking sheet for few minutes before transferring to a cooling rack.
كيف عجقة العيد والحياة؟!! عجقة كلمة قليلة الحقيقة على وضعي حاليا بين الشغل والبزنس والبيت وبكذب اذا بقول اني ملحقة يعني من بعد رمضان والامور مش تمام معي...مش قادرة ارجع انظم حالي لغاية الاسبوع الماضي لما حطيت عقلي براسي وقلت خلص عيب...صار شهرين مارق بيكفي!!! صح!!!
المهم وبكل فخر قدرت الاسبوعين الماضيين اني ارجع لموود التنظيم واني اطبخ يوم السبت للاسبوع واني اعمل ساندويشات لزيزة للاولاد للمدرسة من بوريتو لبيتزا لصاج بالزعتر والجبنة وهيك قصص. بديش احسد حالي !!!
وبما انه العيد قرب فقلت خليني ارجع ازكركم بوصفات العيد من الكعك بمختلف انواعه:
وتحت بالصور في كعك بالطحين ووصفة لبسكوت الفراولة برقائق الشوكولاتة للي ما رح يلحق. وطبعا بالمدونة في فوق ال 21 وصفة للبسكوت بتمنى انكم تشوفوهم كخيارات للعيد وكل عام زانتو بالف خير.
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معمول بالطحين |
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بسكوت خليط الكيك بالفراولة ورقائق الشوكولاتة |
وكوصفة للتنويع ممكن تعملوا بسكوت السكر الاساسي اللي عملته على رؤيا
وباشكال الخرفان المختلفة وممكن تعملوه هيك كمان
كل اللي بتعملوه انه تعملوه العجينة للبسكوت قطعوها بالقطاعة المفضلة واعملوا فراغ بالنص بالشكل المرغوب وبتنحط البسكوته على ورق خبز (مهم) وبالفراغ بنحط ملبس ملون مكسر كمية تعبي الفراغ وبتنخبز بالفرن عادي وبس تصير ذهبية بنطلعها وبنتركها تبدر 5 دقائق على الصينية وبعدين على السلك المعدني ورح يكون عندك بسكون زي شبابيك الزجاج.
وكل عام وانتم بالف خير.
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