French onion dip with pita crisps
I love Labaneh!!! If you don't know what Labaneh is, it is that thick yogurt cheese that is so full of body, flavor, tang and deliciousness...I love it so much that we go through a kilo of it every week...I am telling you, this household of mine is out of control when it comes to certain foods like Labaneh, rice, coffee and chocolate hahaha... and to add a new item to the list, its mozzarella cheese these days. As the kids and hubby are having pizza sandwiches every single night lately...its crazy!!! Will be sharing the recipe soon.
Back to labaneh, it is a very popular pantry staple here in the Middle East. We have it at breakfast and dinner not to mention in so many forms. There is the regular kind that is nice and creamy usually eaten with a dash of extra virgin olive oil or with za'tar.
And there is the drier texture kind, where the water is drained further and usually made out of sheep milk, to end up with a lovely play dough like labaneh that is formed into balls (it can be flavored with herbs or chilies) and packed in glass jars full of E.V.O.O; a total different flavor from the regular labaneh. Its tangier and full of the goodness of sheep's milk. If you want to make labaneh at home, try my recipe here on How to make homemade labaneh.
Beside eating it just straight up with toasted pita bread, labaneh is now part of so many dishes as it is gaining a popularity in the whole world. When I lived in the US and Canada 10 years ago, I did miss labaneh so much as it was not that popular back then neither did I have access to a good Greek yogurt to make my own. I tried using regular yogurt but the result was not as creamy. I liked sour cream but it was way different and did not come close to labaneh's flavor. Today as I am back here in Jordan, I find my self missing sour cream...hehehehe as it is not very available here but I am hanging in there!
So to make a long story short, I have enjoyed the french onion dip so much back when I was introduced to it in the states and it was available and ready made in the supermarket that I never felt the need to make it at home. But now and here in Jordan, I miss it and I want to get a close flavor to the one in the US without using any artificial or dried soup mixes. So here goes a recipe that I made is the short video..I hope you enjoy it.
French onion dip with pita crisps
1 1/2 cup labaneh (good quality)
1 large onion thinly sliced
3 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1 clove of garlic, minced
1 tsp paprika
1/2 tsp cumin
4 loaves of pita bread cut into triangles
2 Tbsp olive oil
Fry onions in the 3 Tbsp of oil until they are caramelized, golden brown and tender. Set aside to cool off for a bit.
Mix labaneh with garlic, spices and salt. Add 3/4 the amount of onions and mix. Pour in a serving dish and garnish with the rest of fried onions.
Prepare pita crisps by sprinkling them with oil and baking in the oven at 180 until golden and crispy. Feel free to flavor them with za'tar or any kind of spice (in this case it can be paprika and cumin to compliment the flavor in the labaneh).
Serve and enjoy the healthy crunchy dip.
Back to labaneh, it is a very popular pantry staple here in the Middle East. We have it at breakfast and dinner not to mention in so many forms. There is the regular kind that is nice and creamy usually eaten with a dash of extra virgin olive oil or with za'tar.
And there is the drier texture kind, where the water is drained further and usually made out of sheep milk, to end up with a lovely play dough like labaneh that is formed into balls (it can be flavored with herbs or chilies) and packed in glass jars full of E.V.O.O; a total different flavor from the regular labaneh. Its tangier and full of the goodness of sheep's milk. If you want to make labaneh at home, try my recipe here on How to make homemade labaneh.
Beside eating it just straight up with toasted pita bread, labaneh is now part of so many dishes as it is gaining a popularity in the whole world. When I lived in the US and Canada 10 years ago, I did miss labaneh so much as it was not that popular back then neither did I have access to a good Greek yogurt to make my own. I tried using regular yogurt but the result was not as creamy. I liked sour cream but it was way different and did not come close to labaneh's flavor. Today as I am back here in Jordan, I find my self missing sour cream...hehehehe as it is not very available here but I am hanging in there!
So to make a long story short, I have enjoyed the french onion dip so much back when I was introduced to it in the states and it was available and ready made in the supermarket that I never felt the need to make it at home. But now and here in Jordan, I miss it and I want to get a close flavor to the one in the US without using any artificial or dried soup mixes. So here goes a recipe that I made is the short video..I hope you enjoy it.
French onion dip with pita crisps
1 1/2 cup labaneh (good quality)
1 large onion thinly sliced
3 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1 clove of garlic, minced
1 tsp paprika
1/2 tsp cumin
4 loaves of pita bread cut into triangles
2 Tbsp olive oil
Fry onions in the 3 Tbsp of oil until they are caramelized, golden brown and tender. Set aside to cool off for a bit.
Mix labaneh with garlic, spices and salt. Add 3/4 the amount of onions and mix. Pour in a serving dish and garnish with the rest of fried onions.
Prepare pita crisps by sprinkling them with oil and baking in the oven at 180 until golden and crispy. Feel free to flavor them with za'tar or any kind of spice (in this case it can be paprika and cumin to compliment the flavor in the labaneh).
Serve and enjoy the healthy crunchy dip.
انا بعز اللبنة من صماصيم قلبي!!!! يعني لما كنت عايشة باميركا ما كان في لبنة ولا حد سامع عنها الا العرب هناك حتى موضوع تعمليها بالبيت كان مش كتير سهل لانه حتى اللبن هناك مش زي اللبن اللي عنا...هناك بيسموا اللبن تبعنا اللبن اليوناني وكان مش سهل تلاقيه وغالي كتير...فجد كنت اشتاق للبنة...وطبعا السور كريم مش زي اللبنة ابدا...زاكية بس ما الها دخل...يعني مش ممكن تاكلوها مع زعتر وزيت مثلا!!! وهلا لما رجعنا على الاردن بشتاق للسور كريم!!! ههههه شو الحل!!! لازم يصيروا يوفروها بسعر معقول...يعني اللي بنعملها بالبيت مش زي الجاهزة ابدا...هاد رأيي الشخصي!!! بالسعودية بعرف انها متوفرة عادي ومن شركة المراعي...فانا بناشد شركة المراعي اذا ممكن انهم يصيروا يجيبوا سور كريم على الاردن!!! انا بشتريها كلها هههههههه!
بكفي شكوى صح!!! الحمد لله على نعمه الكتيرة...
وصفة اليوم سهلة كتير ولذيذة بالجمعات وللاولاد وهي تغميسة اللبنة بالبصل. اول مرة عرفت عن هاي التغميسة كانت لما رحت بره...بتشتريها جاهزة ورخيصة ولزيزة...لما رجعت هون صرنا نعملها باستخدام شوربة البصل بس الحقيقة انه الاشي الطبيعي ما في منه...الاشي اللي بدون مواد مش عارفة صلعة ابوها من وين هو الافضل...مشان هيك وتكريما للبنة واللي هي افضل بديل للسور كريم بهاي الوصفة عملت هالتغميسة وهيها بالفيديو بتمنى تعجبكم وتشيروها مع احبابكم وتعملوا لايك للقناة وتشتركوا فيها... عشان تشجعوني اعمل فيديوهات تانية..
تغميسة اللبنة بالبصل مع شيبس الخبز المقرمش
1/2 1 كوب لبنة (انا بحب حمودة صراحة)
بصلة كبيرة مقطعة شرائح رفيعة
بصلة كبيرة مقطعة شرائح رفيعة
3 ملاعق طعام زيت زيتون
حبة ثوم مهروس
حبة ثوم مهروس
1 ملعقة صغيرة بابريكا
1/2 ملعقة صغيرة كمون
4 ارغفة خبز مقطع مثلثات
رشة زيت زيتون لتحميص الخبز
يقلي البصل بالزيت ليصبح طري وبني الى ذهبي ويترك لبرد قليلا
تخلط اللبنة والثوم والبهارات والملح وتضاف 3/4 كمية البصل
تسكب في صحن التقديم وتزين بالبقية الباقية من البصل المقلي
تحمص قطع الخبز بعد رشها بالزيت (يمكن اضافة اي بهارات لاضافة نكهة للشيبس) على حرارة 180 لتصبح ذهبية ومقرمشة
تقدم والف صحة
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