Olives Soda Bread; Daring bakers Sep challenge خبز الصودا بالزيتون

For the month of September, Meredith from the Poco Loco Olsons challenged us to experiment with soda bread, and was it a great challenge!! First, its because I love to bake especially bread. Second, with my very busy schedule this bread was a snap to make, little kneading, no proofing...just simple and easy. I just loved it.

The name says it "Soda bread" so baking soda is the rising agent that helps this bread rise. I thought the texture was a bit close to biscuits. And since this is my first time working with this bread, I decided to bake a small loaf in order to see how it tastes like. I had some soup for lunch so it went so well with it. I also had some Mediterranean green olives chopped on hand, so I thought I would make a savory soda bread with green olives in it. Wow!! The taste was amazing and we enjoyed it with the soup and dipped in some E.V.O.O. I even thought it would be so delicious if I spread some Labaneh "yogurt cheese" on it...mmmm

So here is the recipe that I used with only simple ingredients that can be found in all households...well almost :) (resulting in a very small loaf because I halved the recipe)

Olive soda bread
4 cups all purpose flour
2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
2 cups of buttermilk (if you don't have that handy, just pour a Tbsp of vinegar into a measuring cup, add enough milk to reach a cup)
60 gram butter; cubed
Additional non typical ingredient: 1/2 cup of green olives, chopped

Mix dry ingredients in a food processor. Add butter cubes and pulse to have a coarse cornmeal like mixture. Pour into a bowl.
Add buttermilk gradually and mix with a wooden spoon till you have a bit of a sticky dough. It won't be silky (this is not the typical bread dough we always make...it shouldn't be kneaded too much)
Sprinkle your working surface with flour and gather the dough and shape it into a loaf (round or long; as you prefer). Place on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Use a knife to make a cross on top of your loaf.
Bake at 350 for around 45 minutes till nice and brown.

بتحدي نادي الخبز لشهر 9 انطلب منا نعمل خبز اسمه خبز الصودا...ليش؟ لانه بيعتمد على كربونات الصودا كعنصر رفع بدل الخميرة والحلو فيه انه سهل كتير...ما بده حد محترف خبز ليعمله وكمان سهل ومواده متوفرة بكل بيت تقريبا.

الخبز هاد عادة بيتاكل مع الشوربة وبيكون سادة او مع مكونات ثانية زي الزبيب. انا طبعا قررت احط مكون شرق اوسطي وهو الزيتون الاخضر...

خبز الصودا بالزيتون
4 اكواب طحين
2 ملعقة صغيرة كربونات الصودا
ملعقة صغيرة ملح
60 غم زبدة باردة مكعبات
2 كوب لبن خاثر (زي اكتيفيا) او بتحطوا معلقة خل بكوب معياري وبتضيفوا حليب ليصير كوب حليب حامض او buttermilk
1/2 كوب زيتون اخضر مفروم

تخلط المكونات الجافة وانا استعملت محضرة الطعام.
تضاف قطع الزبدة وتخلط لتصبح فتات (ممكن عمل الخطوة باليدين)
يضاف الحليب بالتدريج للصول على عجينة متماسكة وطريقة وتلصق بعض الشيء وغير ملساء (من المهم عدم زيادة الخلط بهذا الخبز)
تشكل العجينة على شكل رغيف على سطح مرشوش بالطحين اما دائري او بيضاوي
بسكين حادة نقوم بعمل اشارة زائد على السطح
يخبز على 350 او 175 درجة من 45 دقيقة الى 50 لينضج ويصبح ذهبي.


  1. Oh yes! I will definitely be putting olives in my next loaf!

    1. Great!!! I hope you will like it as much as we did :)

  2. olives & labneh sound amazing with this recipe. Can we use any type of olives?

    1. Of course, I used the tangy Arabic kind that is slightly salty and sour... I personally like that taste but you can use black olives of you prefer. I hope you will enjoy it


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