Shushbarak (Step by step recipe)

الوصفة بالعربي بالاسفل

This summer is officially the wedding season in this family....everybody is getting married...hehehehe...I am glad I am getting invited but boy this is getting to be overwhelming especially that you end up seeing the same people in each wedding....hehehe...Don't get me wrong, that is a good thing to keep seeing family members but how much can you stretch a few outfits in so many weddings!!!! hehehe..I mean I needed a special budget this summer just for wedding dresses and I was lucky I took advantage of sales season and bought some dresses with the justification of "Hey, you never know when you will be invited to a wedding!" And boy was I right!!!! So this is my advice to you in general...

"Buy it when its on sale, don't go over board but do stock up if you have a big family" :) This rule of thumb for me applies on food (I did 5 huge family dinners in one month) and I am so thankful for my well stalked pantry and freezer. And as mentioned, I did buy few dresses on sale in case of need in wedding season, and yesterday was the fourth wedding this summer....4 more to come :) from my stand here I congratulate all you brides and grooms out there and wish you happiness ever after...

Speaking of weddings...I did this cake for a customer for her SIL shower was chocolate filled with Nutella...mmmmm

Today's recipe is one of my recipes in Darna Magazine which is Shushbarak ...a classic Palestinian dumpling dish filled with minced meat and cooked in a tangy yogurt, garlic and coriander sauce.

So here is the recipe with step by step instructions

For the dough:
2 cups all-purpose flour
2 Tbsp powdered milk
1/4 tsp salt
Warm water for kneading
Extra flour to roll the dough

For the filling:

1/2 kg ( one pound)of ground beef or lamb or a mixture of both

2 small onions, minced

3 Tbsp ghee or butter, divided

1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp all spice
Salt an pepper to taste
3/4 cup Pine nuts (optional)
2 Tbsp fresh parsley, minced

For sauce:
2 kilo Greek tangy yogurt
3-4 Tbsp corn starch
1/4 cup cold water
2 tsp salt
6 cloves of garlic
3/4 cup cilantro, minced 
2 Tbsp ghee


To make the dough: Mix dry ingredient then add warm water gradually an knead well to get a nice dough that is not sticky; it should be elastic and hard a bit.
Leave the dough to rest in a warm dry area covered in a damp towel or plastic wrap for an hour or two. 

In the mean time prepare the filling . Sauté onion with two table spoon of ghee or butter till tender, add meat and cook till cooked through. Season with salt and pepper and add spices. Take off heat.

In another small pan fry pine nuts if using and drain. Add 1/2 the amount to meat mixture. The rest will be used as garnish.

Let the meat mixture cool off completely before adding parsley and stuffing the dough.

To make the dumplings, cut the dough into 4 pieces. Start working with one while keeping the rest covered. You can roll the dough the traditional way using a rolling pin on a well floured surface till you have a very thin dough.

The non-traditional way in rolling the dough is using a pasta machine.

 Using a rebound cutter (the size you like bit it is nice to have small circles).

 Put about tsp of filling in the center.

 Fold circle in half and close well by pressing the edge together. Take one end of the half circle and fold it to attach to the other end. (See pictures).

 Have a floured baking sheet on the side and arrange pieces of shushbarak to bake later.Continue till you are done. 

Heat oven to 150 c (300 F) and bake shushbarak for 5 min only. You don't want to brown it, you only want to sort of dry the dough so it won't stick together and to prevent a doughy taste when cooking.
At this stage you can freeze shushbarak in freezer bags or containers separating the layers with wax or parchment paper to prevent sticking. 

To make the sauce, place yogurt in a large pot.
Make a slurry of corn starch and water. Add to yogurt and start cooking over med high heat while stirring non-stop. Once it comes to a boil add salt and start dropping shushbarak. Stir gingerly and let it cook for 5 min while you prepare the last step.

In a small frying pan sauté ghee and garlic till fragrant, add cilantro and add immediately to the shushbarak pot. Turn the heat off and pour shushbarak into a big serving platter or individual ones. Garnish with fried pine nuts. You can serve white rice in the side.

2 كوب طحين
2 ملعقة طعام حليب بودرة
1/4 ملعقة صغيرة ملح
ماء بحرارة الغرفة للعجن

1/2 كيلو لحم مفروم
2 بصلة صغيرة مفرومة
3 ملاعق طعام زبدة او سمنة
ملعقة صغيرة قرفة
ملح وفلفل اسود
اختياري: صنوبر مقلي وبقدونس مفروم 

لصوص اللبن
2 كيلو لبن نعاج او لبن للطبخ سميك وحامض
3-4 ملاعق طعام نشا
1/4 كوب ماء بارد
2 ملعقة صغيرة ملح
2 ملعقة طعام سمنة
3/4 كوب كزبرة خضراء مفرومة ناعم
6 اسنان ثوم مهروس

للحشوة: نطبخ اللحم ليجف ماؤه ونضيف السمنة والبصل ونقلب لتذبل ثم نضيف الملح والفلفل الاسود والقرفة ونبردها

تعجن مكونات العجينة جيدا وتترك لترتاح ساعة
تفرد اما بالنشابة او بماكنة المعكرونة
تقطع دوائر
تحشى باللحم المعصج مع البصل
تغلق كما هو مبين بالصور
توضع بصينية وتخبز لتنشف فقط بدون لون على حرارة 120 م 10 دقائق
ترفع وتسقط باللبن بعد ان يغلي او تفرز
لعمل اللبن
في قدر على النار نخلط اللبن مع النشا والماء ونحرك على نار عالية باستمرار حتى يغلي
نسقط الششبرك ونتركه ليغلي باللبن مع التحريك كل فترة 10 دقائق
نسيح السمن ونطبخ الثوم ليصبح ذهبي فاتح ثم الكزبرة ونضيفها على الوجة وتخلط وتسكب في صحون


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