Almost P.F. Chang's pepper steak ستيك بالفليفلة قريب من مطعم P.F. Chang's
Full English Version of this post is below.
A very dusty weather here in Amman and my eyes, even inside the house, can barely take it. I am so grateful I don't have to go out for any reason. So, typically, staying at home, means lots of cooking and action in the kitchen. However and considering the gathering we had last Friday, I have some leftovers which I am planning to make sure my family eats. In other words, NO COOKING for three days including today as the last day!!! This means more time to attack the clutter in my house as part of spring cleaning which I started in April, but shame on me didn't quite stay on track in the past few days prior to the gathering as I was so busy preparing food. So, I took the chance yesterday and today to declutter as cleaning seems to be mission impossible this time around the year in Amman with the dust everywhere. I mean literally, you wipe the desk and coming to look at it 10 minutes later, low and behold, it is full of dust again...Ahhhh. Enough whining about all the cleaning which actually need to be repeated all over again once the weather settles on one condition and starts transitioning towards a warmer phase.
Do you remember my April challenge of throwing 15 items everyday?! Though I did fall behind, I think I did catch up yesterday and today as I started tackling my storage room again (which I am planning to remodel soon...whooppeeeee) and my husband's desk. Three drawers full of wires from all over the place (Iphone chargers, headsets, camera charging wires, phone wires....etc). It was crazy. I rolled my sleeves up and started untangling all the wires (I forgot to take a picture of the horrific before scene) but now it looks quite tidy and nice after I untangled them and wrapped a rubber band to secure it in place together). It looks like this now..
As for my storage area (pantry), which I tend to talk a lot about, I have visited IKEA (so grateful they decided to open in Amman finally) and fell in love with so many things including new shelving units for the storage room. I will designating a full post about it once it is done with before and after photos (a promise)
Now back to food, last week I had some steaks in the freezer and I decided to make them into a delicious meal that is close to P. F chang steak. I have to confess, I didn't try this steak here in Amman but came across this recipe a long time ago and decided to give it a shot last week. It was very good.
Almost P.F. Chang's pepper steak
1 kg steak fillets
A sprinkle of garlic powder
2 1/2 Tbsp vegetable oil
1 cube beef stock
1/4 cup hot water
1/2 Tbsp corn starch
1 medium onion, chopped into cubes
1 green pepper, cubed
1 yellow pepper, cubed
1 red pepper, cubed
2 1/2 Tb soy sauce
1/2 a can of chopped tomatoes
1 tsp sugar
salt and black pepper to taste
Sprinkle steak fillets with garlic powder, salt and pepper
Dissolve beef cube in hot water. Let it cool a bit then dissolve corn flour, add soy sauce and set a side.
In a wok, heat 2 Tbsp of oil and brown your steaks (few at a time so you won't over crowd your pan). Once done, add the 1/2 Tbsp of oil and saute onions until a bit soft. Add peppers and stir for few minutes. Add tomatoes and sugar; stir for another 5 minutes. Return steaks to the wok and cook for few minutes. Sprinkle with salt and pepper to your taste.
Add beef stock mixture and stir till thickened a bit. Serve over hot rice.
Full English Version of this post is below.
مع الجو المغبر جدا بعمان وعيوني عم بيحكوا بشكل غريب بالرغم اني بالبيت والحمد لله وعادة القعدة بالبيت معناتها اني اقضي وقت منيح بالمطبخ...بس لانه في عندي اكل زيادة من العزومة فما في طبخ..لا اول امبارح ولا امبارح ولا اليوم وعلى الاغلب ...وهادا الحكي بيعطيني مجال اني انقض على الكراكيب اللي بالبيت واللي قررت من بداية الشهر اني اكب 15 اشي منها باليوم بس ما التزمت تماما بكتير ايام لاني كنت مشغولة بالعزومة. بس اليوم بديت اضبضب شوي بغرفة الخزين اللي عندي واللي نويت بعد زيارتي لايكيا مؤخرا (واللي بالمناسبة انا سعيدة انهم فتحوا بالاردن) اني اعيد ديكوره كاما..هاد الحكي بده بوست كامل وخاص ببقى اشارككم فيه لما الورشة تنتهي...بس مبدئيا اشريت كراتين حلوين وبديت اضبضب فيهم اشياء...كل يوم شوي لغاية ما نشتري الرفوف وندهن الغرفة ان شاء الله. وضبضبت دروج مكتب زوجي واللي مش ضايل سلك ولا شاحن الا معقدين مع بعض فيهم. فشمرت عن السواعد وفرفطت روحي وانا افكفك العقد (للاسف ما اخدت صورة قبل ) وربطت كل سلك بمطاطة بس هي صورة بعد...
المهم نرجع للاكل...قبل كم يوم كان عندي قطع ستيك وقررت اني اعمل فيهم اكلة بتشبه طبق ستيك بمطعم P.F. Chang الصيني...ان شاء الله بتجربوها وبتعجبكم....
ستيك بالفليفلة (تقريبا مثل مطعم P.F. Chang's)
كيلو ستيك فيلية
رشة بودرة الثوم
1/2 2 ملعقة طعام زيت
مكعب مرق لحم البقر
1/4 كوب ماء ساخن
1/2 ملعقة طعام نشا
بصلة متوسطة مفرومة مكعبات
حبة فليفلة حمراء وخضراء وصفراء مقطعة مكعبات
1/2 علب بندورة معلبة مفرومة
1/2 2 ملعقة طعام صويا صوص
ملعقة صغيرة سكر
ملح وفلفل اسود حسب الرغبة
ترش قطع الفيلية ببودرة الثوم والملح والفلفل الاسود
يذاب مكعب المرق بالماء الاسخن ثم يضاف له الصويا صوص والسكر ويبرد ثم يذاب به النشا
يوضع 2 ملعقة طعام زيت في مقلاة الاكل الصيني الووك وتقلى بضع قطع من الفيلية على نار عالية لتأخذ لون (بضع قطع كل مرة وليس كلها معا)
بعد الانتهاء يضاف بقية الزيت وتقلب البصلة لتذبل ثم الفليفلة عدة دقائق ثم البندورة وترش بالملح والفلفل الاسود
يعاد الستيك وتترك لتطبخ عدة دقائق ثم يضاف النشا والمرق وتترك لتسمك قليلا وتقدم مع الارز
Do you remember my April challenge of throwing 15 items everyday?! Though I did fall behind, I think I did catch up yesterday and today as I started tackling my storage room again (which I am planning to remodel soon...whooppeeeee) and my husband's desk. Three drawers full of wires from all over the place (Iphone chargers, headsets, camera charging wires, phone wires....etc). It was crazy. I rolled my sleeves up and started untangling all the wires (I forgot to take a picture of the horrific before scene) but now it looks quite tidy and nice after I untangled them and wrapped a rubber band to secure it in place together). It looks like this now..
As for my storage area (pantry), which I tend to talk a lot about, I have visited IKEA (so grateful they decided to open in Amman finally) and fell in love with so many things including new shelving units for the storage room. I will designating a full post about it once it is done with before and after photos (a promise)
Now back to food, last week I had some steaks in the freezer and I decided to make them into a delicious meal that is close to P. F chang steak. I have to confess, I didn't try this steak here in Amman but came across this recipe a long time ago and decided to give it a shot last week. It was very good.
Almost P.F. Chang's pepper steak
1 kg steak fillets
A sprinkle of garlic powder
2 1/2 Tbsp vegetable oil
1 cube beef stock
1/4 cup hot water
1/2 Tbsp corn starch
1 medium onion, chopped into cubes
1 green pepper, cubed
1 yellow pepper, cubed
1 red pepper, cubed
2 1/2 Tb soy sauce
1/2 a can of chopped tomatoes
1 tsp sugar
salt and black pepper to taste
Sprinkle steak fillets with garlic powder, salt and pepper
Dissolve beef cube in hot water. Let it cool a bit then dissolve corn flour, add soy sauce and set a side.
In a wok, heat 2 Tbsp of oil and brown your steaks (few at a time so you won't over crowd your pan). Once done, add the 1/2 Tbsp of oil and saute onions until a bit soft. Add peppers and stir for few minutes. Add tomatoes and sugar; stir for another 5 minutes. Return steaks to the wok and cook for few minutes. Sprinkle with salt and pepper to your taste.
Add beef stock mixture and stir till thickened a bit. Serve over hot rice.
ايكيا رائع بايجاد الحلول والافكار للترتيب
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